We’re preparing for our son’s 1st birthday and I cannot believe it! Where does the time go? In a span of 12 months our baby boy went from 2-hour feeds day & night, to starting solids, growing teeth, crawling, and now standing & getting ready to walk! Each milestone was so new, not only for him, but as first-time parents who get to witness this pure bundle of life and joy.

We’ve been working really hard on preparing for his baptism and 1st birthday. Little guy is gonna be baptized right on his birth day, and then having his birthday party at the zoo in Arizona ☺️ I hope it’ll be so special. We choose the zoo because we just wanted him to have fun, and all our family and friends are there, too.
A little side note to Catholic parents: the process is very arduous and can be defeating when you’re in the middle of being new to and establishing yourself in a church. It’s unfortunate for such a gift and sacrament. Kurt considers himself spiritual, he goes to church and receives blessing, and I was raised Catholic. Kurt was the one who said he wanted to baptize our son, and I realize it is reasons like this that solidify why I married this man!
You take baptism prep classes, choose Godparents, and need to be involved in the church for 3 months and get them baptized there. We met the priest on our first day here in Washington and he was a breath of fresh air! Literally in passing, on the day we met, he offered to write us a letter to get our son baptized in Tucson where our family is and that gave us so much hope and comfort. I will forever be grateful for this.
Levi is getting baptized at the church I grew up in on-base, altar served, did assistant Pre-k teaching, and I just think it will be so special to bring my son back there and have his baptism!
On the topic I wanted to talk about too… I do post a lot of pictures of us traveling and giggling and of course all of the good times, and yes, there there are many times where I feel that I need a break. This boy is not mellow, he will tell you when he is upset! And loudly! Vice versa when he fills our home with squeals and screams in the morning lol. This brings me so much joy and I wouldn’t have my day be any different, although it does get overwhelming and overstimulating for both Kurt & I.
When I would need that break, a lot of the times I would feel guilty. Mom guilt is real, and I feel as though I’m falling short anytime something comes up and I’m overwhelmed. I think it’s important to know that every parent, at some point, struggles with feelings of inadequacy and these feelings of overwhelming… ness ?
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. – Ephesians 2:10
Something that keeps me strong, I know always will, is knowing that the Bible holds motherhood in high esteem and that it offers profound grace for those moments of self-doubt and weariness. God’s not asking for perfection, He’s asking for you to seek Him in times of weakness. This can look like prayer and seeking scripture. In all moments of my day I breathe and pray, lay my struggles and feelings before God, and ask for His guidance and strength.
We are not alone in our journey. The same God who entrusts you with the precious role of motherhood also promises to equip and accompany you every step of the way to transform our weaknesses into testimonies of His grace.
I keep seeing that his childhood is also our motherhood. It’s important for both of us, and I want to strive to be a better mother, hopefully to teach our son to grow into a loving, kind, God-fearing young man, and to also live with the fruits of the spirit, presently. God knows our weaknesses better than we do and is always ready to offer His strength in our moments of need.
I pray that He reflects in our hearts one that not only seeks Him but also reflects His love to our children❤️
May 17, 2024
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